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Film Face Shuttering Plywood

GMG Film face Plywood is compact and toughened quality structural plywood. This is the most elegant, durable, superior film faced densified shuttering Ply. Its strength factor exceeds to withstand any amount of load of concrete and the vibration caused by pouring the concrete. It does not degrade against wear and tear, warp less and are twist free. Its protective properties resist attack from termite, fungus, rot & other destructive elements.

Tips on Maintenance

  • FFDSP Should be stored in packs on a Level. Flat and raised surface in a clean, dry and covered place with free circulation of air.
  • The boards and stacks shall be protected from rain and dampness.
  • Extra care should be taken to avoid any scratches.
  • The plywood boards shall not be dragged over one another as this would scratch the surface.
  • If the edges are dragged on faces or any extraneous matter like sand or small stone particles lie in between the surfaces.
  • Cut edges of the plywood at the time of making concrete former should also be coated with suitable sealants like chlorinated rubber paint, for longer life of the board.
  • For better repetition, panels should be dried by stacking in free circulation of air and on suitable spacers after each use.
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